You have reached Nnubes256's page.
I make small nifty projects from time to time.
I'm mostly interested in IT security, robotics and the Rust programming language.
Here is my GitHub.
I have done and collaborated on several projects. Some of them include:
- Large-scale university projects, such as:
IDIoT, a rather silly concept for decentralized home automation done
with Rust (+ Vue.js) using libp2p under the hood. Done for a final year project on an undisclosed robotics course.
drone-project, a fully-encompasing,
albeit somewhat barebones, quadcopter drone avionics and control solution. My work on this project comprehends mainly what is called
ICAROS (In-flight Communications And Reporting Operations System), the communications backbone of this project, built with Rust.
Done for a final year project on Computer Engineering @ AIT.
- Small-scale university projects, such as:
CCReference, a proof-of-concept reference Android app for the indie
videogame CrossCode. Done for the Mobile Computing class within Computer Engineering @ AIT.
Tolman Incorporated (Spanish) (demo), a Bootstrap 4 + jQuery project done
for a web development class.
For business inquiries and other questions you may contact me at [email protected].
I am currently not available for job offers, but feel free to get in touch nevertheless.