corMine 1 and 2

…in which a reverse engineer having a Not Good day is given a Rust binary with a Bevy game, and then proceeds to descend into madness about it. Then after corCTF, tries to make a write-up and descends into madness about it again.

corMine 1 - The Beginning

Crusaders of Rust Gaming Division is proud to present our first totally original title: corMine! Please enjoy exclusive access to this alpha test! […]

On this challenge, we are provided with a compressed archive containing two files:

  • cormine, a Linux AMD64 binary.
  • cormine1.cms, a data file.

Exploring the game

Upon running the executable, and after a few seconds of initialization, we are presented with corMine, a voxel-based sandbox game reminiscent of early versions of Minecraft.

The corMine game running on a window, showing a beautiful voxel landscape.

The game allows the player to move (WASD) and jump (Space) around within a delimited voxel-based 3D world. The player can also break and place (left/right mouse click) blocks, of which a palette of five different types of blocks is available to the player (12345).

A showcase of the 5 blocks the player has available to place: stone, grass, water, ice and dirt.

By default, the game generates a random world on startup; however, saves can also be loaded. The current world state can be saved onto a game.cms file by pressing F9. The instructions for the first challenge hint us at the means to load such a save by running the game from the terminal:

$ ./cormine load game.cms

The challenge provides one such save file to try: cormine1.cms. Upon loading it, the player spawns on top of a large box. Its outer lining seems to be made of a 6th block type which cannot be broken by the player. The objective seems clear: break or otherwise reveal the contents of the box.

The top of a mysterious monolith, lined with black blocks that were not part of the showcase, nor seem available to the player.
A far-off view of the mysterious monolith, emphasizing its massive size in contrast to the landscape around it.

Sometimes, the game seems to crash or “panic” benignly upon closing it using the window controls.

Console output shows the game crashing or panicking due to a lack of entities, whatever that means.

While this crash is certainly not intended, it cannot be denied that the way the crash information is presented, along with hints that can be gleaned from the logging output, quickly reveals three key facts to the reverse-engineer:

  1. The program has been developed using the Rust programming language, which uses the term “panic” to designate fatal program errors, as is hinted by the format of the crash message.
  2. Some debug information is provided with the executable, as full source location information for the resulting stack trace can be requested at the moment of the crash with an environment variable (RUST_BACKTRACE=1).
  3. This very stack trace hints the use of a few Rust packages, notably bevy; a quick search on Rust’s package repository eventually leads to Bevy, a popular game engine for Rust.

The Plan

Now, before we go any further, let me spoil you the whole thing and tell you about the various easy ways you can solve this challenge:

  • Hacking the player’s position through memory editing with tools like GameConqueror.
  • Hooking into the game with RenderDoc.
  • Finding and editing the shaders corresponding to the rendered blocks.

This write-up is not about any of those.

You see, dear reader, at the time of corCTF 2024… I was not at my best :’). I was not reasonable, much less someone that could come up with simple solutions. So, sure, I could tell you how to do any of the above… or I could tell you about the terrifyingly overkill way I did it at corCTF 2024.

The way to solve the first challenge that I came up with stems from the following thought process:

  • We have previously established that the player can break blocks.
  • The map provided by the challenge, cormine1.cms, has unbreakable blocks.
  • This implies there has to be a distinction between breakable and unbreakable blocks.
  • This distinction is, very likely, enforced by conditional branches within the logic that handles block breaking.
  • These checks can be subverted somehow.

So, here’s the game plan:

  1. Identify the logic that handles left-mouse clicks.
  2. Run the game under a debugger while loading cormine1.cms, and set a breakpoint on this function.
  3. Try to break both unbreakable and breakable blocks, triggering the breakpoint.
  4. Through the differences in how the game’s code handles both cases, identify the conditional jump/-s that makes some blocks unbreakable, and patch them out, thereby making all blocks breakable.
  5. Flag!?

We can open up the executable in our reverse-engineering tool of choice to take a look at it; I chose the free version of Binary Ninja in this particular case. Despite the sheer size of the binary, the initial analysis is able to complete; however, an initial exploration seems for naught at first, as I quickly got lost in an ocean of functions without much of a direction.

Let’s not panic, though. When in doubt, we can do string searches for keywords found in console logs, as those will often end up close to the application logic. Problem is, there don’t seem to be that many useful logs here. With some playing around, though, we can find that whenever we save the map with F9, the string Saved to game.cms is printed to the console; this should be close enough to the application logic for our purposes.

Console output showing the aforementioned string being printed.
Examining the game executable with the program Binary Ninja, the string can be found packed alongside many other strings.

Ok, so we have a packed string. Let’s follow the trail by looking at the cross-references:

Binary Ninja shows dozens of references to this particular string from other locations in the executable.

There is a lot of data references pointing to this packed string. If we start examining them individually, we’ll find that each one is a pointer located in the section referencing an individual string within the larger pack. By inspecting the individual pointers one by one, we can easily find the one that points directly to our string of interest:

One of the references points to the specific string we are looking for.

Examining the cross-references for this pointer, we can then land on the function that prints this string:

A view of the cross-references for this reference, showing two references on a function.
An excerpt of the decompilation of the function in question shows the string being used here.

The debug information shows this function as:


Which through some choice substitutions ($LT$ becomes <, $GT$ becomes >… you can take hints from this this Ghidra script) can be cleaned up into:

<bevy_ecs::system::function_system::FunctionSystem<Marker, F> as bevy_ecs::system::system::System>::run_unsafe::hf653820ccd9abe7c

If we translate this type signature into plain English, we can almost describe it as “the function run_unsafe, from a FunctionSystem casted into a System”. Almost, what is the random string of letters at the end (hf653820ccd9abe7c)? We’ll get to that a bit later.

But, strange huh? It does seems this function from Bevy itself entirely implements the game’s very own save logic in question. Does that even make sense? Not really, but there’s an explanation why this function shows up when searching for this string.

Interlude: Ornithology, and surprising Rust optimizations

Let’s dig into Bevy itself, starting from the documentation of FunctionSystem:

Struct bevy::ecs::system::FunctionSystem

The System counter part of an ordinary function.

You get this by calling IntoSystem::into_system on a function that only accepts SystemParams. The output of the system becomes the functions return type, while the input becomes the functions (sic) In tagged parameter or () if no such parameter exists.


So FunctionSystem is a type that wraps a standard Rust function and allows it to become a Bevy System. The type we got does in fact make a reference to System, which according to the documentation is…

Trait bevy::ecs::prelude::System

An ECS system that can be added to a Schedule.

“ECS”? Some internet searches, and now this starts to make a bit of sense in context. A core feature of Bevy is its ECS (Entity Component System) architecture. From a cursory reading, I cannot quite conclude whether ECS is a programming paradigm or a software architecture, but concisely, ECS comprises three key concepts interacting together:

  • Entities, which represent an instance of something; let it be a player, an NPC, a camera or even the world geometry itself. Entities, as is, do not contain data or logic; they merely serve as an identity for that something’s self, generally an unique identifier.

  • Components, data structures which can be arbitrarily attached to entities in a piece-meal basis, thus donning the entities with state.

  • Systems, as processes or units of logic which operate on entities that match a condition, often expressed as a query for the existence or absence of certain components, and are responsible for actually operating on these components.

For example, within the context of an role-playing game, the player character may be represented as an entity with Position, Health and Player components (the last one possibly being empty, instead serving as a marker for identifying what entity represents the player character). An applicable system may be one that reads the player’s inputs every frame and updates the Position of any entity that is also a Player accordingly.

With this knowledge in mind, we can deduce that the game logic of corMine is, very likely, implemented as systems. So we may very well be on the right path! But then, why is the logic hiding inside an opaque FunctionSystem<Marker, F>?

Let’s keep digging: System does indeed have a run_unsafe method you can override. And, FunctionSystem does implement System, so it does implement run_unsafe too!

    unsafe fn run_unsafe(&mut self, input: Self::In, world: UnsafeWorldCell) -> Self::Out {
        // ... some initialization happens before ...
        let out =, params); // oh, this looks interesting!
        self.system_meta.last_run = change_tick;

Where self.func is the instance of F stored by FunctionSystem<Marker, F>, which it seems to “run”. What is F, even?

pub struct FunctionSystem<Marker, F> // (1)
    F: SystemParamFunction<Marker> // (2)

We’ll ignore Marker for now, but both Marker and F are generic type parameters (1). So as to make this more comfortable for beginner reverse-engineers: if you know C++, think templates; otherwise, try to think about how you can pass parameters to functions in most programming languages, but now instead of thinking of code, think of that concept being applied to types as handled by a type system (say, classes in Java). Maybe that makes more sense? Well, dunno, for now just consider Marker and F “placeholders for other types”.

We’ll ignore Marker for now and focus on F. It seems that whatever type ends up being F, it must implement SystemParamFunction (2), which according to the documentation is:

Trait bevy::ecs::prelude::SystemParamFunction

A trait implemented for all functions that can be used as Systems.

Recommendation: don’t scroll too far down on the SystemParamFunction documentation, you will likely blank out midway and end up waking up 19 hours later with a hangover and a turbofish scribbled onto your forehead by mysterious extra-dimensional crab gods. Instead, look at the source for the impl_system_function macro that automates all of that mess, and deep within its confines you will see the light:

// ...
fn run(&mut self, _input: (), param_value: SystemParamItem< ($($param,)*)>) -> Out {
    // Yes, this is strange, but `rustc` fails to compile this impl
    // without using this function. It fails to recognize that `func`
    // is a function, potentially because of the multiple impls of `FnMut`
    fn call_inner<Out, $($param,)*>(
        mut f: impl FnMut($($param,)*)->Out,
        $($param: $param,)*
    let ($($param,)*) = param_value;
    call_inner(self, $($param),*)
// ...

Is this even real Rust? It is, the macro syntax just makes it look like someone reinvented Lisp inside Rust. Let’s clean this up into pseudocode:

fn run(&mut self, _input: (), param_value: SystemParamItem<(Param1, Param2...)>) -> Out {
    fn call_inner<Out, Param1, Param2...>(
        mut f: impl FnMut(Param1, Param2...) -> Out,
        param1: Param1,
        param2: Param2,
    ) -> Out{
        f(param1, param2...) // f == self == <F as SystemParamFunction> !!!
    let (param1, param2...) = param_value;
    call_inner(self, param1, param2...)

So it is calling itself, as a FnMut! Which means F is, in fact, the ordinary function FunctionSystem was talking about!

Ok, let’s take a few steps back and recap what we know so far:

  1. The function we are analyzing is <FunctionSystem<Marker, F> as System>::run_unsafe. That is, the trait System has a method run_unsafe which FunctionSystem implements, and the function we are analyzing is that implementation.
  2. A “system” on Bevy terminology is a process or piece of logic that operates on application data.
  3. FunctionSystem<Marker, F> stores an F, which is a plain old Rust function.
  4. FunctionSystem<Marker, F>’s implementation of run_unsafe calls the stored F.

So, what is a FunctionSystem?

Well, it is in fact, one of Bevy’s selling points: its ECS engine allows the developer to fully define systems using plain old Rust functions! Here’s a function system I just came up with:

struct Position {
    x: f32,
    y: f32,

struct Velocity {
    x: f32,
    y: f32,

fn update_frog_position(mut query: Query<(&mut Position, &Velocity)>) {
    for (mut position, velocity) in &mut query {
        position.x += velocity.x;
        position.y += velocity.y;

It takes entities that have Position and Velocity components, then reads the velocity of each entity and uses it to update its position. Pretty sick, huh?

Now let’s see what happens behind the scenes:

  • Upon registering this system onto our hypothetical Bevy game, some Rust type magic allows this function to get wrapped onto a FunctionSystem, becoming its F, such that here you’d get an instance of FunctionSystem<Marker, update_frog_position>.
  • Due to the way generic type parameters work on Rust, the compiler considers FunctionSystem<Marker, F> unique for every F, meaning FunctionSystem<Marker, update_frog_position> and FunctionSystem<Marker, print_frogs> are in fact different types, each with its own unique in-memory structure.
  • And, because of the fact F can be of different types, each with a different size, the memory layout of the entire FunctionSystem<Marker, F> can change too as a result, which suddenly makes generating assembly that has to access a field at a certain offset of this structure particularly difficult, to say the least.
  • The solution the Rust compiler provides is to make one copy of the same function (in this case, run_unsafe) for every combination of Marker and F that is used to call it, so that the instructions that do memory accesses to this structure are generated correctly to read on the correct offsets for each field. The compilation process under which these functions are duplicated is known as monomorphization.

Because of this, there is, in fact, multiple copies of run_unsafe on the program! So many of them!

A search for symbols containing the string run_unsafe shows that there are a lot of them named very similarly.

Thus, the random string at the end of the function’s signature (hf653820ccd9abe7c) is a means of distinguishing each individual copy of run_unsafe for debugging purposes.

By now, you may start to see what is happening here:

  • If the compiler knows exactly what system function F each instance of FunctionSystem<Marker, F> has at compile time…
  • …and the compiler is near-guaranteed to keep a FunctionSystem<Marker, A> separate from a FunctionSystem<Marker, B> due to differences in structure offsets requiring changes in the assembly…

…well, an optimizing compiler might as well decide take your FunctionSystem<Marker, update_frog_position> and inline update_frog_position’s code into that FunctionSystem’s run_unsafe, mainly in order to reduce the call stack depth and make it easier to apply optimizations to the whole bunch at once. Which is exactly what is happening here, we are seeing a mix of Bevy and corMine code within the same compiled function!

Cool, so we are on the right track!

…except, why is it still called F on the type signature, and not some_cormine_function?

Singling out birds from the flock

Alright, let’s fan out further and see where this function is used:

The cross-references view shows a data reference and a code reference for this function.

In particular, the data reference here is very interesting, because it reveals the vtable for this particular instance of FunctionSystem:

A view of the v-table for the instance of FunctionSystem, containing many pointers to many functions.

While there doesn’t seem to be an authoritative source on how Rust vtables are laid out (and the layout isn’t even stable), most sources I’ve seen on the topic (see for example this design discussion for the Dyn upcasting coercion initiative, and Raph Levien’s Rust container cheat sheet) agree that a typical Rust vtable, as of time of writing, is roughly ordered as follows:

  1. Pointer to the drop (destructor) function.
  2. Size and alignment of the structure.
  3. Pointers to method implementations.

Now, most method signatures on here don’t seem to really reveal us much else. But, what about the destructor?

Let’s see its name in full:


Wow, that sure is a function name! Let’s first clean this bad boy up:

core::ptr::drop_in_place<bevy_ecs::system::function_system::FunctionSystem<fn(bevy_ecs::system::query::Query<&cormine::chunk::Chunk>, bevy_ecs::change_detection::Res<cormine::world::World>, bevy_ecs::event::EventReader<cormine::input::SaveEvent>), cormine::world::process_save_events>>::h64e9704cb477196a

That helps… but only a little. Here, let’s put some indentation:


…yep! This in fact, not only contains the original name and module path of the Bevy system’s function (cormine::world::process_save_events), but also the fully self-contained query specification with which it was declared (the parameters of the fn(...)). This is huge, as it allows us to start looking for interesting systems to reverse-engineer. As a bonus, it also hints us that at main application crate being cormine.

…not that it wasn’t trivially guessable1. But hey, you never know when the project ends up being first named after a crazy cool secret codename or something and the executable itself being renamed after the fact.

To survey a Bevy

Now that we know where to look, let’s do some recon! Now, because I have a free version of Binary Ninja, I cannot quite script a full find/replace, but despite this we can still do quite a lot. We want to search for all destructors for FunctionSystem because, as we previously discovered, they give us a lot of information about the Bevy systems the program has; we’ll thus search for:

The many search results for the aforementioned search query, filling the search window.


Escape the $ as \$ when searching.

Now we can select all the coincidences, then copy and paste them into a text document. A bit of scripting takes care of cleanup and extraction:

import re

    "SP": "@",
    "BP": "*",
    "RF": "&",
    "LT": "<",
    "GT": ">",
    "LP": "(",
    "RP": ")",
    "C": ", ",
    "u20": " ",

# Regular expression groups:
# 1. System parameters
# 2. Return value
# 3. System name 
system_regex = r"core::ptr::drop_in_place<bevy_ecs::system::function_system::FunctionSystem<fn\((.+)\)( -> .+)?, (.+)>>::h[a-f0-9]+"

with open("symbols.txt", "r") as f:
    symbols =

for symbol in symbols.split():
    for escape, replacement in ESCAPE_MAP.items():
        symbol = symbol.replace(f"${escape}$", replacement)
    symbol = symbol.replace("..", "::").replace(".", "-")
    match = re.match(system_regex, symbol)
    system_name = # output the system name only

And presto: system names!


And, knowing the main crate’s name is cormine, simple filtering gets us with a near-full list of corMine-specific systems:


(Near-full, namely because this list doesn’t cover exclusive systems, but this is way more than enough for what we need)

Look at that! So many interesting functions, and we didn’t even have to touch GDB yet! And on the output above, we can finally see the light: cormine::input::handle_lmb. We can then figure out that, it being part of the input module, lmb must stand for left mouse button; seems like it’s what we are looking for!

A search for handle_lmb leads to the destructor of this system at 0x01ded22b. Through the cross-references to it, we can quickly pivot to the vtable for cormine::input::handle_lmb at 0x02690570 and, shortly after, find its run_unsafe(...) implementation at 0x01db7420.

A cheesy solution

Now that we have a ledge to hang onto within application code, we can finally pull out the debugger. Due to the large size of the binary, until now I was using an ARM64 Mac with plenty of RAM in order to run the initial analysis; however, we cannot really debug the provided x86_64 binary here. Fortunately, at the time I also had with me a Steam Deck with Bazzite installed, which allowed me to quickly set up a reverse-engineering environment using the built-in Distrobox with the Kali Linux Docker image.

At corCTF, I used GDB with GEF locally on my Steam Deck to do this challenge; however, while writing this writeup I wanted to try Binary Ninja’s debugger instead. At first I tried to export the Binary Ninja analysis database to my Steam Deck, then use Binary Ninja’s built-in debugger locally; however, enabling the debugger seems to trigger a rebasing of the binary (i.e. the base address of the binary being different at runtime) and a complete re-analysis of the (huge) executable; this quickly makes my Steam Deck become unstable due to memory pressure.

I was ready to give up… until I found out Binary Ninja has remote debugging capabilities. This would allow me to have analysis run on my more powerful Mac while the actual binary runs on my Steam Deck.

Now, it took me a while to set up, and there were a few pitfalls I had to deal with (debug server mode didn’t work for me, some disassembly was really slow for some reason…), but what ended up working for me was to download the latest Linux debug server, then run the provided lldb-server in gdbserver mode:

$ debugger-linux/plugins/lldb/bin/lldb-server g -- cormine load cormine1.cms

Then, we can connect to it from the Binary Ninja menu: Debugger -> Connect to Remote Process. Since this is technically a gdbserver, make sure to set the plugin to gdb-remote (I got stuck on this for quite a bit before I actually decided to read the lldb-server documentation… RTFM, I guess), then set connection parameters accordingly:

A small window to configure the connection parameters to connect to a remote debugger. The connection plugin, alongside IP address and port to connect, can be specified.

And presto, we are connected.

Let’s get to business; we’ll first set a breakpoint at 0x01db7420:

A view of the Binary Ninja debugger, showing the code decompilation output front and center, and the current values of the CPU registers at one side. A breakpoint is placed on the function being targeted.

Then we continue execution…aaaaand the program triggers the breakpoint every frame, even if I don’t press the left click button. Why?

Let’s dig a bit further. We can retool our previous script a little bit to print more information about this Bevy system:

# ...

for symbol in symbols.split():
    for escape, replacement in ESCAPE_MAP.items():
        symbol = symbol.replace(f"${escape}$", replacement)
    symbol = symbol.replace("..", "::").replace(".", "-")
    match = re.match(system_regex, symbol)
    system_params =",", ",\n    ")
    system_return_value =
    system_name =
    if system_name == "cormine::input::handle_lmb":
        print(f"fn {system_name}({system_params}) -> {system_return_value}")

Here’s the full signature for cormine::input::handle_lmb:

fn cormine::input::handle_lmb(
     bevy_ecs::system::query::Query<&mut cormine::chunk::Chunk>
) -> None

The key here is to understand how user input is collected through the use of Res<ButtonInput<...>>. As we can see from this Bevy example, detection of whether a key is pressed or not is handled within the application logic, not as part of the query. Barring that, the system runs every frame so that those checks are kept updated accordingly.

Therefore, we’ll have to dig a bit deeper within the function in order to find a suitable breakpoint location. After some trial and error, a sanity check at 0x01db7b13 is found to be a reliable breakpoint location to stop whenever the left mouse button is pressed.

The Binary Ninja debugger again, showing a breakpoint being placed at the aforementioned address. The code is checking if the RSI register equals 0; if so, the program seems to panic with a Selected voxel is not in chunk error.

Now, time to count conditional jumps.

As I spawn on top of the mysterious monolith of unbreakable blocks, I first try to place and break a (breakable) block; my thinking is that by doing so and then stepping through the function one instruction at a time, I would able to establish a “behavioral baseline” of what the function does based on which conditional branches (jz/jnz/…) are taken and which ones aren’t. After a while, execution quickly devolves a labyrinth of function calls as the game starts processing the removal of the block, at which point I decide to fold and hand control over back to the program.

Then, I repeat the process trying to break one of the unbreakable blocks forming the monolith. I quickly notice that, on this particular case, the function swiftly returns control to the caller instead. Once again I trace the behavior of the conditional branches, and I find that execution starts to diverge at the 10th branch instruction, located at 0x01db767c.

The Binary Ninja debugger again, highlighting the decompiled code around a conditional branch.

After doing a few more tests, I confirm this check to be tied to whether or not a block is unbreakable; when a block is unbreakable, the jump is not taken and a function return shortly follows.

The same code as in the previous image, but in disassembly form. The check is implemented as a JNE (Jump if Not Equal) instruction, and it is shown that, were the jump not taken, the execution would quickly return control to the caller.

We can examine the memory pointed at by the rbp register before the jump happens to see how blocks are laid out in memory at this stage. For example, here’s me trying to break an unbreakable block:

Memory view of the memory pointed at by the RBP register when checking the bedrock block, showing a small cluster of twelve fives surrounded by bytes with the value 255.

Meanwhile, stone and grass blocks have this instead:

Memory view of the memory pointed at by the RBP register when checking the stone block, a single byte with value 0 followed by bytes with the value 255.
Memory view of the memory pointed at by the RBP register when checking the grass block, a single byte with value 1 followed by bytes with the value 255.

The condition is indeed checking that the value obtained is not 5, so it seems that unbreakable blocks have an type ID of 5, whereas stone and grass blocks have IDs of 0 and 1 respectively; eventually, I figured out the five blocks the player has available on the hotbar have type IDs 0 to 4, and unbreakable blocks use the otherwise unused ID 5; thus:

  • Stone: 0
  • Grass: 1
  • Water: 2
  • Ice: 3
  • Dirt: 4
  • Bedrock (unbreakable): 5

We can try to patch this conditional jump into an unconditional jump; Binary Ninja provides quick actions to do so.

Right-clicking on the instruction to patch on Binary Ninja, we can go to the Patch dropdown menu and select various quick actions to patch the instruction such as Always branch and Invert branch.

Then, we can export the resulting patched binary. Upon executing it with the loaded save, it indeed seems that we can now break unbreakable blocks, and so…

(Don’t mind the video quality, just trick your brain into thinking you’re watching a 2010 Minecraft YouTube video by a small-time content creator providing you with the sickest tutorial on how to break bedrock [no clickbait])

A screenshot of the game where the player stands inside of the broken-into box, where the flag string hides. It is constructed from stone blocks, and is also shown backwards.

…now we just gotta read the flag backwards.



corMine 2 - Revelations


I wasn’t able to solve this one within corCTF’s time limit (although I was pretty close!). Instead, this part of the writeup tries to detail a couple of creative ways one could go about solving this challenge that I managed to fully flesh out after the fact. By discussing these techniques, I hope someone else can find an use for them elsewhere for fun and epic pwn :)

…and yes, I did way too much overthinking. My recommendation if you wanna try this challenge yourself is that you take a deep breath and actually stare at the decompiler output of a bit; it simplifies a lot of the process I’m about to explain.

We’ve hidden a flag within this save file, but decided that you’re not ready for it: it’s been permanently removed - don’t try to find it!!

For the next challenge, we are given another save: cormine2.cms. Opening this save with the game executable reveals us yet another mysterious monolith, this time made of stone.

The top of a mysterious monolith, this time lined with plain stone blocks.
A far-off view of the mysterious stone monolith, emphasizing its massive size in contrast to the landscape around it. It seems to somewhat overlap with the mountain next to it.

After some manual work done breaking down the monolith, it became clear the flag wasn’t within it. But if it isn’t within the box, where is it?

Let’s try to analyze the save format and see where this leads us.

Breaking into the DWARF Fortress

Before diving into the hard and cold reverse-engineering, I first did some forensics on the provided save. strings lead to nothing, nor did binwalk or foremost, so we might as well be dealing with either encrypted data and/or a bespoke custom save format. Or both!

If we open up the cormine2.cms save file in a hex editor we can see there’s certainly some kind of pattern in how bytes that use the most-significant bit are distributed; however, there doesn’t seem to be anything else we can conclude just from a look at the file.

A colored hexadecimal view of the bytes within the cormine2.cms save file, highlighting bytes in different ranges with different colors. Through this view, it becomes clear that bytes of value lower than 128 seem strangely clustered around three soft vertical lines in the file.

Is it then time to start staring into the code? Not yet! We happen to be able to write our own saves using the game’s save functionality (F9). We can use this to write some “test saves” and try to analyze them to make educated guesses about how the save format works.

First, I tried to generate a new world a few times, then save it without changing anything. Invariably, all files came up at about 6 bytes, and the only information that changed was the first 4 bytes.

$ xxd gamea.cms
00000000: e62e 59cb 1010                           ..Y...
$ xxd gameb.cms
00000000: d66d 16af 1010                           .m....
$ xxd gamec.cms
00000000: 4b06 e4e8 1010                           K.....

Since 6 bytes is by no means enough to store all of the individual blocks that are generated, and considering that the landscape doesn’t change every time we load up a given save, I found it safe to make a few educated guesses:

  1. The automatically-generated landscape of every world is generated with an algorithm that uses a seed.
  2. That seed is stored onto the save, in order to generate the same world every time the save is loaded.

Let’s keep going. Now, we’ll generate a new world, and place a single block anywhere before saving. What’s the result?

00000000: 6ac3 be08 1010 e0f4 8bee 7d99 ecd8 8278  j.........}....x
00000010: 97f0 9cfa 7dbd                           ....}.

Alright, so now the file has grown to 22 bytes. Breaking a single block also seems to have the same effect; this makes sense if you think of breaking a block as “changing it to the block type corresponding to air/nothing”.

If we repeat this with more blocks, we can also see the file size keeps growing linearly…

Blocks placed File size (bytes) Breakdown
0 6 6 + 0
1 22 6 + (1 block * 16 bytes)
2 38 6 + (2 blocks * 16 bytes)
3 54 6 + (3 blocks * 16 bytes)
4 69? 6 + (3 blocks * 16 bytes) - 1 byte ???

…but only somewhat. For some reason, the sizes don’t seem to align at times. Some blocks add more data to the file, some add less data. We can also see this if we try the 1 block experiment multiple times:

$ xxd gamed.cms 
00000000: 6ac3 be08 1010 e0f4 8bee 7d99 ecd8 8278  j.........}....x
00000010: 97f0 9cfa 7dbd                           ....}.
$ xxd gamee.cms 
00000000: 3d31 292c 1010 88d1 b6ae 04e1 a0f6 bb05  =1),............
00000010: a9b1 e55c 38                             ...\8
$ xxd gamef.cms 
00000000: 3475 1b84 1010 f1ad cde9 78e6 b5e0 c500  4u........x.....
00000010: 88c6 dadf 0021                           .....!

Hm, there may be some compression going on, then. Also, we cannot quite see any obvious place where, say, the block type would be stored; we’d know because we previously established when solving the previous challenge that the type of a solid block would be somewhere between 0 and 5. There’s could be some obfuscation or encryption going on, but we cannot say for sure quite yet.

But we can be sure of this:

  1. Every changed block is stored individually.

This gives me one theory about where the flag could hide: it could be encoded as yet another block pattern, as was the first flag, only for it to be overwritten by the massive stone monolith later on the file. One way to attack this problem could be to truncate the file into only having, say, the first N blocks; however, the fact that each block’s individual size seems to somewhat change leaves me uneasy on whether that is even possible.

Ok, let’s start looking at program code. The Bevy system cormine::terrain::load_chunks seems like a good candidate to start looking, so we search for cormine..terrain..load_chunks, find the Drop implementation, pivot into the vtable and look at the run_unsafe function, easy peasy!

…except for some reason there are 3 vtables associated with the exact same Drop implementation. Wait, what?

A view into the cross-references of this function on Binary Ninja shows three data references, each corresponding to a different v-table.

Furthermore, looking at the vtables themselves, it seems that they also reference very similar functions, but the implementations of some functions such as run_unsafe differ! We can tell from the hash at the end of the function changing between each implementation:


A truly strange and fascinating compiler behavior. But now we have to reverse-engineer more code, I suppose. Well, shucks.

…ok, but I am a bit too lazy. Let’s use one of the oldest tricks in the book: tracing the use of libc imports such as open and read. Let’s look into the latter now:

A view into the cross-references for the libc read function shows several functions using it.

Hey, wait a second, that is a Bevy system that directly uses this call! Looking at it’s vtable, it’s one of the implementations of cormine::terrain::load_chunks, so it was indeed somewhere in there.

But also, just below it, there’s a completely different Rust crate: cormine_shared… with a save module! Seems like we hit jackpot. Now, the full symbol name (with demangling applied as previously explained) is:


Huh, “leb128”? That almost sounds like an cryptography algorithm. Yet another quick search aaaand… not quite; according to Wikipedia:

LEB128 or Little Endian Base 128 is a variable-length code compression used to store arbitrarily large integers in a small number of bytes. LEB128 is used in the DWARF debug file format and the WebAssembly binary encoding for all integer literals.

Ok, so it’s a way to encode integers, cool! The fact that it’s variable-length may explain why the save’s size doesn’t grown perfectly linearly as we keep changing blocks. If we read a little closer, we can also notice that the most significant bit of each byte that forms a LEB128 number is used to tell the decoder when to stop reading (the decoder keeps reading bytes until it finds one where the MSB is 0), which can explain the somewhat non-random distribution of bytes lower than 0x7F in the save file.

And, if we look at the callers for this function, it so happens that its only user is the cormine::terrain::load_chunks Bevy system we just uncovered, calling read_leb128_signed multiple times across its logic. So, here we can start speculating on some points:

  • The cormine::terrain::load_chunks Bevy system (or some other function that got inlined within it) seems to handle save reading logic, due to its connection to read_leb128_signed, which itself seems in turn clearly associated with save logic thanks to debug information.
  • The save format likely uses LEB128 numbers in an unencrypted form, as it seems to directly read from the file (as we found from it using read directly on a file descriptor) and nothing on the decompiler output for read_leb128_signed suggests to me there’s any weird encryption going on.
  • read_leb128_signed’s purpose is likely to read a single LEB128-encoded number at a time; it would be odd otherwise for the function to be called at multiple places.

This gets us somewhat closer to understanding the file format… but not close enough. And the implementation of cormine::terrain::load_chunks looks way too large. Don’t wanna reverse that just yet, too lazy. Can we still figure out how the save format works?

Well, yes! A cursory look at both functions seems to suggest read is called multiple times across this Bevy system’s implementation, with different static sizes.

A search for read syscalls within the decompilation output of this Bevy system shows 6 results.

This suggests the save is not read all at once into memory, but instead is gradually deserialized, with each call site for read corresponding to a different kind of data being read. And given read happens to be a Linux syscall, a fairly powerful way to make sense of the format becomes possible.

Tracing our way into the save format

strace is a wonderful, if sometimes flawed tool. It mainly allows its user to hook into a program and log any usage of a Linux syscall, optionally printing out the arguments it was called with, the return values (including values returned by reference), and even call stack traces. Together, all these capabilities make it almost a breeze to profile a program’s usage of OS resources.

Now, why is this useful? Well, I could explain it now, but instead I’ll let strace do the talking here. We’ll ask it to run the game as it loads the cormine2.cms file from the previous challenge; while the game runs, strace will log any calls to the open*, read and close syscalls (-e openat,open,close,read) and to print the arguments (-v -s 2048) along with corresponding stack traces for each call (-k), while also following process forks (-f). Having strace fetch the backtraces comes with a large performance hit 2, but that won’t be a problem, we just need the program to load the save once, and this doesn’t require any interaction with the program itself. The output will also be massive, so we’ll save it to a file for later analysis.

$ strace -f -v -k -s 2048 -e openat,open,close,read ./cormine load cormine2.cms 2> out.log

The program now seems to take ages to start. At this point I left it running and had some dinner, and when I came back I just Ctrl+C the process.

Ok, let’s take a look at the strace output-

$ ls -lah out.log
-rw-r--r--. 1 deck deck 106M Jul 28 22:00 out.log

…ok, well, its quite large size may make casual examination somewhat difficult.


Here’s a nifty Linux sysadmin trick if you ever find yourself in a similar situation: if you use the less command to page your output, you can press /, then type in a search string, then press Enter. The less command is fairly efficient when it comes to reading large files, so this is an easy way to sift through large files such as logs. Depending on your system this may or may not support regular expressions. Also try : for jumping to a specific line number!

So, we can still search for cormine2.cms on this file, and we should land directly on the corresponding open-whatever syscall:

An extract of the output of the strace tool being applied to the game executable, showing how the game reads the save file by interacting with the Linux operating system through syscalls.

There are some spurious errors from the audio system while the program is debugged3, but if we squint hard enough… look at that, the file structure is practically revealing itself to us! Just within the first few bytes of cormine2.cms:

  1. The file is opened at instruction address 0x1d98269.

    [pid 125685] openat(AT_FDCWD, "cormine2.cms", O_RDONLY|O_CLOEXEC) = 22
     > /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0xfe198]
     > /var/home/deck/Downloads/cormine-1/cormine(std::sys::pal::unix::fs::File::open_c+0xf9) [0x228d719]
     > /var/home/deck/Downloads/cormine-1/cormine(<bevy_ecs::system::function_system::FunctionSystem<Marker,F> as bevy_ecs::system::system::System>::run_unsafe+0x309) [0x1d98269]
  2. Once opened, 4 bytes are first read at 0x1d9816a.

    [pid 125685] read(22, ")\6\341\203", 4) = 4
     > /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0xfea5c]
     > /var/home/deck/Downloads/cormine-1/cormine(<bevy_ecs::system::function_system::FunctionSystem<Marker,F> as bevy_ecs::system::system::System>::run_unsafe+0x20a) [0x1d9816a]
  3. Then, 2 bytes are read individually at 0x1d981f8 and 0x1d982d8.

    [pid 125685] read(22, "\22", 1)         = 1
     > /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0xfea5c]
     > /var/home/deck/Downloads/cormine-1/cormine(<bevy_ecs::system::function_system::FunctionSystem<Marker,F> as bevy_ecs::system::system::System>::run_unsafe+0x298) [0x1d981f8]
    [pid 125685] read(22, "\n", 1)          = 1
     > /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0xfea5c]
     > /var/home/deck/Downloads/cormine-1/cormine(<bevy_ecs::system::function_system::FunctionSystem<Marker,F> as bevy_ecs::system::system::System>::run_unsafe+0x378) [0x1d982d8]
  4. Next up, 15 bytes worth of LEB128 data are read.

    [pid 125685] read(22, "\325", 1)        = 1
     > /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0xfea5c]
     > /var/home/deck/Downloads/cormine-1/cormine(cormine_shared::save::Serializer<Cursor>::read_leb128_signed+0x96) [0x1dcd746]
    [pid 125685] read(22, "\345", 1)        = 1
     > /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0xfea5c]
     > /var/home/deck/Downloads/cormine-1/cormine(cormine_shared::save::Serializer<Cursor>::read_leb128_signed+0x96) [0x1dcd746]
     > unexpected_backtracing_error [0x700]
    [pid 125685] read(22, "\350", 1)        = 1
     > /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0xfea5c]
     > /var/home/deck/Downloads/cormine-1/cormine(cormine_shared::save::Serializer<Cursor>::read_leb128_signed+0x96) [0x1dcd746]
     > unexpected_backtracing_error [0xe00]

    Unfortunately, the call stack collected by strace doesn’t seem to extend enough here to identify how many LEB128 numbers are being read. But this will not be a problem, as we’ll soon see.

  5. Then, back into the Bevy system’s main logic, 1 byte is read at 0x1d9891a.

    [pid 125685] read(22, "o", 1)           = 1
     > /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0xfea5c]
     > /var/home/deck/Downloads/cormine-1/cormine(<bevy_ecs::system::function_system::FunctionSystem<Marker,F> as bevy_ecs::system::system::System>::run_unsafe+0x9ba) [0x1d9891a]
  6. Steps 4 and 5 then seem to repeat indefinitely.

This information is really good to have, since we can now make reasonably informed guesses about how the data format works; namely, it’s clear steps 2 and 3 seek to read a header of some kind, whereas we can safely guess steps 4 and 5 are done to read each block from the file.

Furthermore, we can start to make educated guesses about what each piece of data could be. For example, the seed could very well be part of the first 4 bytes, as many popular random number generators such as the Mersenne Twister and xorshift32 use a 32-bit seed. Additionally, we do know the block type is encoded as a small number, so the last byte in the block data may encode the block type.

So here’s a mental model of the format so far:

  • Header
    • 4 bytes: seed?
    • 1 byte: ???
    • 1 byte: ???
  • Block data: list of blocks
    • A bunch of LEB128 data
    • 1 byte: block type?

This might be enough to start writing a basic parser! So let’s get to it.

The beginnings of a parser

We’ll write the parser using Python, employing pwntools for quickly parsing byte sequences into integers and the leb128 library for parsing LEB128 numbers.

First off, let’s tackle the header:

import leb128
import sys
from pwn import *

with open(sys.argv[1], "rb") as f:
    seed = u32(, endian="big")
    print(f"seed?: {seed}")
    unk1 = u8(, endian="big")
    unk2 = u8(, endian="big")
    print(f"unk1: {unk1}")
    print(f"unk2: {unk2}")

The only unknown we have to solve before we begin parsing is how many LEB128 numbers are actually in a single block. Now, since LEB128 integers have a variable length, the library we are using for parsing them returns the number of bytes read alongside the parsed number. Since we know that the game read 15 bytes worth of LEB128 to read what we presume is the first block on cormine2.cms, we can try to read LEB128 numbers on this file with our parser until we match this number.

So here’s one number:

with open(sys.argv[1], "rb") as f:
    # ...
    d1, n1 = leb128.i.decode_reader(f)
    print(f"Read {d1} using {n1} bytes")
seed?: 688316803
unk1: 18
unk2: 10
Read 750400213 using 5 bytes

Ok, not quite enough. How about 2?

Read 750400213 using 5 bytes
Read 509639610 using 5 bytes

Almost. How about 3?

Read 750400213 using 5 bytes
Read 509639610 using 5 bytes
Read 210383163 using 5 bytes

15 bytes in total, so spot on! Now, let’s read a single byte for what’s probably the block type.

with open(sys.argv[1], "rb") as f:
    # ...
    block_type = u8(, endian="big")
    print(f"block_type?: {block_type}")
block_type?: 111

And tie everything off with a loop:

import leb128
import sys
from pwn import *

with open(sys.argv[1], "rb") as f:, os.SEEK_END)
    file_size = f.tell()
    seed = u32(, endian="big")
    print(f"seed?: {seed}")
    unk1 = u8(, endian="big")
    unk2 = u8(, endian="big")
    print(f"unk1: {unk1}")
    print(f"unk2: {unk2}")
    i = 1
    while f.tell() < file_size:
        print(f"Block #{i}")
        d1, n1 = leb128.i.decode_reader(f)
        print(f" Read {d1} using {n1} bytes")
        d2, n2 = leb128.i.decode_reader(f)
        print(f" Read {d2} using {n2} bytes")
        d3, n3 = leb128.i.decode_reader(f)
        print(f" Read {d3} using {n3} bytes")
        block_type = u8(, endian="big")
        print(f" block_type?: {block_type}")
        i += 1

We run it on cormine2.cms, aaaand…

seed?: 688316803
unk1: 18
unk2: 10
Block #1
 Read 750400213 using 5 bytes
 Read 509639610 using 5 bytes
 Read 210383163 using 5 bytes
 block_type?: 111
Block #2
 Read 1367663539 using 5 bytes
 Read 1154360776 using 5 bytes
 Read 762612651 using 5 bytes
 block_type?: 168
Block #3
 Read -224813911 using 5 bytes
 Read -1492939015 using 5 bytes
 Read -1515736888 using 5 bytes
 block_type?: 180
Block #4
 Read 828603333 using 5 bytes
 Read -1207076910 using 5 bytes
 Read 1984705747 using 5 bytes
 block_type?: 158

Ok, so everything seems to be reading fairly evenly. Comparing the LEB128 read sizes with those on the strace output, they do seem to match. I was able to verify this with blocks #22 and #23, where there are 14 bytes worth of LEB128 numbers instead of 15:

Block #22
 Read 1389809728 using 5 bytes
 Read -6950871 using 4 bytes
 Read 1080931495 using 5 bytes
 block_type?: 109
Block #23
 Read -136368784 using 5 bytes
 Read 22042346 using 4 bytes
 Read 658741446 using 5 bytes
 block_type?: 211

So it definitely seems right that each block uses 3 LEB128 numbers. Furthermore, this would make sense; this being a 3D game, using 3 numbers would definitely make sense to encode the position of each block in a 3-dimensional coordinate system.

…except there’s a problem, which you may have noticed already: the output we get is still complete garbage.

At this point, since all the numbers looked pretty random, I suspected there was some additional encryption going on after this step, but looking at the decompilation output for cormine::terrain::load_chunks still gave me migraines. But then, how can we even do anything here? Is all hope lost?

Well, no, because now we know where the blocks are stored. The real question is, is the game going to miss them?

Time-traveling by save truncation

First off, let’s count how many blocks the cormine2.cms save has:

import leb128
import sys
from pwn import *

with open(sys.argv[1], "rb") as f:, os.SEEK_END)
    file_size = f.tell()
    seed = u32(, endian="big")
    unk1 = u8(, endian="big")
    unk2 = u8(, endian="big")
    i = 1
    while f.tell() < file_size:
        d1, n1 = leb128.i.decode_reader(f)
        d2, n2 = leb128.i.decode_reader(f)
        d3, n3 = leb128.i.decode_reader(f)
        block_type = u8(, endian="big")
        i += 1

print(f"File has {i - 1} blocks")
File has 68594 blocks.

So, let’s have a look once again at the huge floating stone monolith:

A screenshot of the game shows a far-off view of the mysterious stone monolith, emphasizing its massive size in contrast to the landscape around it. It seems to somewhat overlap with the mountain next to it.

Ok, here’s the pitch: what happens if we read the file, and then write it back, but only with the first 30000 blocks? We can parse everything into a bunch of variables, then rewrite everything back in order onto a separate file:

import leb128
import sys
from pwn import *

blocks_to_keep = 30000
seed = 0
unk1 = 0
unk2 = 0
blocks = []
with open(sys.argv[1], "rb") as f:, os.SEEK_END)
    file_size = f.tell()
    seed = u32(, endian="big")
    unk1 = u8(, endian="big")
    unk2 = u8(, endian="big")
    while len(blocks) < blocks_to_keep:
        d1, n1 = leb128.i.decode_reader(f)
        d2, n2 = leb128.i.decode_reader(f)
        d3, n3 = leb128.i.decode_reader(f)
        block_type = u8(, endian="big")
        blocks.append((d1, d2, d3, block_type))

with open(f"trunc_{blocks_to_keep}_{sys.argv[1]}", "wb") as f:
    f.write(p32(seed, endian="big"))
    f.write(p8(unk1, endian="big"))
    f.write(p8(unk2, endian="big"))
    for d1, d2, d3, block_type in blocks:
        f.write(p8(block_type, endian="big"))

Ok, now we load this save onto the game aaaand…

The large stone monolith from the previous screenshot now appears with less than half of its original size; as a result, it no longer overlaps with the mountain.

Woah! The monolith became smaller, and the game didn’t even complain! Ok, so this attack against corMine save files seems very practical. I’ll just make some adjustments to that number, the monolith will disappear, and the flag shall appear magically!

So here’s the file truncated to only 300 blocks:

The large stone monolith has completely disappeared, leaving nothing but a clear view of the sky in its wake.

200 blocks, same thing. So is 100 blocks. I still don’t see the flag.

Uh oh. This is not good.

It definitely must be hidden in there, though; as the whole file reads correctly, we don’t have a reason yet to think it’s somewhere else other than the blocks. So let’s not panic; we can do a bit of bruteforce and, starting from the cormine2.cms save having no blocks, make a bunch of new saves where we slowly start adding its blocks back.

# ...
from itertools import islice

# ...

for i in range(1, 12):
    file_name = f"trunc_{i}_{sys.argv[1]}"
    with open(file_name, "wb") as f:
        f.write(p32(seed, endian="big"))
        f.write(p8(unk1, endian="big"))
        f.write(p8(unk2, endian="big"))
        for d1, d2, d3, block_type in islice(blocks, i):
            f.write(p8(block_type, endian="big"))
    print(f"Written {i} blocks to {file_name}")
Written 1 blocks to trunc_1_cormine2.cms
Written 2 blocks to trunc_2_cormine2.cms
Written 3 blocks to trunc_3_cormine2.cms
Written 4 blocks to trunc_4_cormine2.cms
Written 5 blocks to trunc_5_cormine2.cms
Written 6 blocks to trunc_6_cormine2.cms
Written 7 blocks to trunc_7_cormine2.cms
Written 8 blocks to trunc_8_cormine2.cms
Written 9 blocks to trunc_9_cormine2.cms
Written 10 blocks to trunc_10_cormine2.cms
Written 11 blocks to trunc_11_cormine2.cms

…aaaalright, guess we gotta check out all of those saves. Could be worse.

However, on this particular case, there’s… something. On trunc_1_cormine2.cms, we can suddenly find a lonely ice block floating in mid-air:

A lonely ice block is contrasted against the clear skies.

But on trunc_2_cormine2.cms, the block disappears…

Then, on trunc_3_cormine2.cms, a block appears again, only for it to disappear on trunc_4_cormine2.cms. I suspected they weren’t quite the same blocks, so I did some in-game measurements. Here’s the difference between cormine2.cms truncated to 1 block, and truncated to 11 blocks:

A man-made construction meant to show the height of the single white block that appears with the save file truncated to one block.
A man-made construction meant to show the height of the single white block that appears with the save file truncated to eleven blocks. In comparison to the former, it appears two blocks lower.

So they are indeed different blocks; at the very least, they’re at different heights. This seems to be a good candidate to be the flag, given the blocks that appear are colored differently from other blocks. After examining all of the generated saves, we can start figuring out what’s going on: a block that encodes the flag is encoded, then another block is placed that “deletes” the previous block. Thus, blocks #1, #3, #5, … contain the flag, but blocks #2, #4, #6… keep deleting the previous block that was placed. Given it seems to be encoded as a block itself, that means a block “delete” must be encoded as “set a block to something that looks empty”. It is not uncommon for voxel-based games to encode the existence of nothing as a block type in and of itself; for example, Minecraft has the block type air for this purpose.

In order to read the flag, it seems we’ll need to figure out a way to otherwise “negate” the instruction that deletes the block. Let’s try skipping the “delete” block in the middle while reading cormine2.cms:

# ...
with open(sys.argv[1], "rb") as f:
    # ... read header ...
    i = 0   # new!
    while len(blocks) < blocks_to_keep:
        d1, n1 = leb128.i.decode_reader(f)
        d2, n2 = leb128.i.decode_reader(f)
        d3, n3 = leb128.i.decode_reader(f)
        block_type = u8(, endian="big")
        if i % 2 == 0:   # skip every other block
            blocks.append((d1, d2, d3, block_type))
        i += 1

Then we’ll take the resulting trunc_3_cormine2.cms, which will contain the first, third and fifth block, and load it into the game. Hopefully flag?

$ cormine load trunc_3_cormine2.cms
thread 'Compute Task Pool (3)' panicked at src/
called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value: invalid voxel kind `227`
note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace
Aborted (core dumped)

Well, no, the game now just crashes because the voxel data got corrupted. That can mean whatever is reading the file expects blocks to be in a specific position. Well shucks, so it seems we cannot do much other than stare at the file reading logic until something comes to mind.

If nobody got me, I know the oracle got me

…wait a second.

called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value: invalid voxel kind `227`

This is an… interesting error. It not only tells us that the save file had a block with an invalid block type, it also tells us what block it tried to read before crashing. Is it anywhere on the file? Well, 227 is 0xE3 in hexadecimal, so a quick byte search should turn up the value, right?

…except that value doesn’t even appear anywhere on the file we created, trunc_3_cormine2.cms. Do you see it? Because I sure don’t:

00000000: 2906 e183 120a d5e5 e8e5 02ba f781 f301  )...............
00000010: bbe2 a8e4 006f a9b9 e694 7ff9 9d8e b87a  .....o.........z
00000020: c8e1 9ead 7ab4 aab6 bb8b 7cde 92d5 b805  ....z.....|.....
00000030: a9ba f28e 7dd3                           ....}.

Can we figure out what byte in the file triggers it? Sure, we can do yet another strace and figure out at which point it stops reading. Doing this shows the panic triggers as soon as it finishes reading the last byte of the second block. I think we can reasonably say now that lonely last byte of every block does in fact encode the block type… somehow. However, if we examine trunc_3_cormine2.cms with our save reader, we get this:

seed?: 688316803
unk1: 18
unk2: 10
Block #1
 Read 750400213 using 5 bytes
 Read 509639610 using 5 bytes
 Read 210383163 using 5 bytes
 block_type?: 111
Block #2
 Read -224813911 using 5 bytes
 Read -1492939015 using 5 bytes
 Read -1515736888 using 5 bytes
 block_type?: 180
Block #3
 Read -1049699542 using 5 bytes
 Read 1461012830 using 5 bytes
 Read -774070999 using 5 bytes
 block_type?: 211

And 180 (0xB4) sure isn’t 227 (0xE3). So we are definitely dealing with some transformation applied to the save before it is processed, but after the basic structure is read, probably some sort of encryption. Can we figure it out?

Sure, let’s try to figure this mysterious transformation in a black-box way. We can do this by corrupting the values on the save file ourselves a few times, then by using the previous error as an oracle we can record what the result of the transformation is, then see if we can guess any algorithm behind it. Let’s call the mysterious transformation y = f(x) where x is the data from the file and y is the data the game reads (and shows on the error).


What is an oracle, in this context? Well, I was about to write an explanation here, but I don’t think I can be as funny and concise as Thomas Pornin is on this Security StackExchange answer to the same question:

An oracle is an individual who knows the personal cell phone number of a god. This enables him (or her) to obtain some information which is usually considered as out of reach of mere mortals, such as glimpses of the future. In cryptography, that’s the same, except that no deity is involved: an oracle is any system which can give some extra information on a system, which otherwise would not be available.

Why do I think this is an oracle? Well, it gives us the value of the block type that the game tried to read after potentially applying any strange transformations to it. So if we were dealing with encryption, the game just gave us a bunch of (corrupted) plaintext, which is not really something we are supposed to see… but we can use, as we’ll soon see :)

We’ll need all the information we can get, so this time we’ll corrupt the information of the first block; this is because we know that this block, being solid white, is an ice block, which has an type ID of 3 as we previously figured out when solving the first challenge. Therefore, f(111) = 3.

Ok, let’s try to set it to 0:

    while len(blocks) < blocks_to_keep:
        d1, n1 = leb128.i.decode_reader(f)
        d2, n2 = leb128.i.decode_reader(f)
        d3, n3 = leb128.i.decode_reader(f)
        block_type = u8(, endian="big")
        if i == 0:
            block_type = 0  # boo, the devilish corruptor strikes!
        blocks.append((d1, d2, d3, block_type))
        i += 1

This gives us:

called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value: invalid voxel kind `108`

So f(0) = 108. If we try a few additional values for block_type, we end up with something like this:

f(0) = 108
f(1) = 109
f(2) = 110
f(3) = 111
f(4) = 104
f(5) = 105
f(111) = 3

…that looks very suspiciously linear. Not only the numbers seem to be always together in bunches of two, but it also seems that our mystery function is its own inverse.

Let’s look at this in binary:

f(00000000) = 01101100
f(00000001) = 01101101
f(00000010) = 01101110
f(00000011) = 01101111
f(00000100) = 01101000
f(00000101) = 01101001
f(01101111) = 00000011

It seems like the input’s bits that are set flip the output bits in a very predictable manner! That’s right, our mystery function seems to be XOR (exclusive OR, ^), friend and bane of all reverse engineers everywhere!

Particularly, here it seems like it’s x ^ 108, where 108 seems to be the key. There’s a problem though… if this was the exact same transformation for all blocks, then we’d still see 6 unique values at best for the whole file and they’d be all close to each other.

blocks_distribution = set()
with open(sys.argv[1], "rb") as f:, os.SEEK_END)
    file_size = f.tell()
    seed = u32(, endian="big")
    unk1 = u8(, endian="big")
    unk2 = u8(, endian="big")
    i = 0
    while len(blocks) < blocks_to_keep:
        d1, n1 = leb128.i.decode_reader(f)
        d2, n2 = leb128.i.decode_reader(f)
        d3, n3 = leb128.i.decode_reader(f)
        block_type = u8(, endian="big")
        blocks.append((d1, d2, d3, block_type))
        i += 1
print(f"Seen {len(blocks_distribution)} different block types!")
Seen 256 different block types!

…however, it seems the values are all over the place! And there’s no way there are 256 different valid block types in corMine, otherwise it would never error out like that when we corrupt the values. So this gives us a hint that the key is different for every byte. This could be for any number of reasons: multi-byte XOR, the transformation being a stream cipher… so on and so forth.

Whatever it is though, one thing is clear: it has to be XOR. And that opens up the door for a fascinating cryptographic attack…

Save decrypt? Don’t care, known-plaintext attack.

Let’s generate a new world, where we’ll place a single lonely dirt block:

A single lonely dirt block, contrasted against the grassy ground.

We save this world, and this is the save data that shows up:

00000000: af80 6136 1010 e8e9 c396 06ba d5fe f27e  ..a6...........~
00000010: c9b3 e29d 7d60                           ....}`

Which can be parsed as this:

seed?: 2944426294
unk1: 16
unk2: 16
Block #1
 Read 1657861352 using 5 bytes
 Read -295720262 using 5 bytes
 Read -742876727 using 5 bytes
 block_type?: 96

The encrypted block type, as written on the save, reads 96.

The game reads the save, and then does the following:

96 ^ k = p

Then, the game takes p and that’s the type of the block that shows up. I don’t know the k used to decrypt p yet. But I do know that this block I placed is a dirt block. And I know, because I figured out from doing the first challenge, that dirt has a block type ID of 4. Therefore, I do happen to know what came out as p:

96 ^ k = 4

We can now solve for k by applying the properties of XOR operations:

    96 ^ k     = 4 
->  96 ^ k ^ k = 4 ^ k
->  96         = 4 ^ k       (self-inverse: k ^ k = 0)
->  4 ^ 96     = 4 ^ 4 ^ k 
->  4 ^ 96     = k           (self-inverse: 4 ^ 4 = 0)
->  100        = k

So k is 100, and now we know the block type key for this specific block at this specific position. Because we know that key, I can now modify the type of this block and only this specific block arbitrarily outside of the game. So if I wanted to turn it into a bedrock block, knowing that bedrock has ID 5, I can just do 5 ^ 100 = 97. Then, I can go edit the save itself with a hex editor, replacing the value 96 (0x60) that specifies that particular block’s type with the value 97 (0x61):

00000000: af80 6136 1010 e8e9 c396 06ba d5fe f27e  ..a6...........~
00000010: c9b3 e29d 7d61                           ....}a

When we load up the file, we can now see the block we placed has become a bedrock block:

A single lonely black bedrock block, as used in the first challenge, contrasted against the grassy ground.

We just pulled off a known-plaintext attack: we know the plaintext (the block ID), we know the ciphertext (the value on the save), we used both to figure out the part of the key that was used to encrypt the former into the latter, and used it to modify the data in there.

Don’t believe me? Well, I’m now gonna use this trick to solve the challenge4.

The only problem I have is that I don’t really know yet what block type encodes “air” or “delete block”, so I don’t know p for those blocks. However, we don’t need to reverse-engineer the game to figure it out anymore… remember, the panic/error oracle from the previous section actually gives us the block type the game tried to read. Or in other words, it gives us p.

So, knowing the second block of cormine2.cms is a “delete block”, whose encrypted block type value is 168… if we corrupt that value to 0, what do we get?

called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value: invalid voxel kind `87`

So 0 ^ k = 87, therefore k has to be 87. Yes, we can get the game to just spit us k by putting a 0 and reading the value that shows up in the error. How nice of it :)

Going back to the original file, we can now decrypt the block type for that specific block: 168 ^ 87 = 255. So an air/delete block has a block type ID of 255 (0xFF).

That’s all we need. Knowing that every other block in cormine2.cms is an air/delete block, we know that p on every other block is 0xFF. Knowing the plaintext p for those blocks, and the ciphertext coming from the save itself, we can solve for k on all of those delete blocks at once. And if we can do that, then we can make them… not delete the previous blocks. We can do this by just making them into solid blocks. For fun, we’ll make them into bedrock, which has ID 5. We’ll also truncate the file to only show the first 200 blocks, and see if there’s anything coming out of this effort.

import leb128
import sys
from pwn import *
from itertools import islice

blocks_to_keep = 200
seed = 0
unk1 = 0
unk2 = 0
blocks = []
with open(sys.argv[1], "rb") as f:, os.SEEK_END)
    file_size = f.tell()
    seed = u32(, endian="big")
    unk1 = u8(, endian="big")
    unk2 = u8(, endian="big")
    i = 0
    while len(blocks) < blocks_to_keep:
        d1, n1 = leb128.i.decode_reader(f)
        d2, n2 = leb128.i.decode_reader(f)
        d3, n3 = leb128.i.decode_reader(f)
        block_type = u8(, endian="big")
        # Is it an "air" block?
        if i % 2 == 1:
            # Solve for key, knowing air == 0xFF
            key = block_type ^ 0xFF
            # Replace with bedrock (0x05) block and re-encrypt
            block_type = 0x05 ^ key
        blocks.append((d1, d2, d3, block_type))
        i += 1

file_name = f"trunc_{i}_{sys.argv[1]}"
with open(file_name, "wb") as f:
    f.write(p32(seed, endian="big"))
    f.write(p8(unk1, endian="big"))
    f.write(p8(unk2, endian="big"))
    for d1, d2, d3, block_type in islice(blocks, i):
        f.write(p8(block_type, endian="big"))
print(f"Written {i} blocks to {file_name}")
A few characters forming the flag show up in the sky, constructed from black bedrock blocks, but its text seemingly cut off midway.

Looks like a flag in the making! From here, all we need is to carry on with our truncation attack, increasing the number of blocks we output until the flag shows up in full. After some trial and error, I found the magic number to be 386 blocks from the start of the file.

The full flag shows up in the sky, constructed from black bedrock blocks.

And there you go! Who needs to stare at decompilation output when you can just call upon the eldritch god of cryptography and have them cast the flag from the void for you?



Bonus: Ok fine, save decrypt (for real)

Alright, time to spill the beans and have a quick look at the intended solution here, to wrap all of this off. If we actually look at the decompilation output for the cormine::terrain::load_chunks, we can see references to the rand_chacha crate which, in a crazy twist, takes the ChaCha stream cipher and turns it into a RNG. And if we start looking up where it is actually used… well, see the decompilation output here for reading a single LEB128 number:

01d996f8  uint64_t rax_41
01d996f8  int64_t* rdx_14
01d996f8  rax_41, rdx_14 = cormine_shared::save::Se...read_leb128_signed::he32d2bd5e2a4a56b(fd)
01d996fd  int64_t* r15_1 = rdx_14
01d99703  int64_t var_380_1
01d99703  if (rax_41 == 0)
01d9977f      int32_t* var_330_1 = &lookup_table_4
01d99786      var_380_1 = 0
01d997eb      while (true)
01d997eb          int64_t rax_46 = var_178_1
01d997f7          if (rax_46 u>= 0x40)
01d9980e              rand_chacha::guts::refill_wide::h2c5d69ebe52f8d9b(&var_170:8, 6, &s)
01d99814              rax_46 = 0
01d99816          int32_t r15_3 = r15_1.d ^ *(&s + (rax_46 << 2))

With a bit of cleanup:

01d996f8  uint64_t error
01d996f8  int64_t* value_encrypted
01d996f8  error, value_encrypted = read_leb128_signed(fd)
01d99703  if (error == 0)
01d99786      # ...
01d997eb      while (true)
01d997eb          int64_t generated_bytes = generated_bytes_1
01d997f7          if (generated_bytes u>= 0x40)
01d9980e              rand_chacha::guts::refill_wide(&var_170:8, 6, &keystream)
01d99814              generated_bytes = 0
01d99816          int32_t value_decrypted = value_encrypted.d ^ keystream[generated_bytes]

Well, so that’s how it works. It was ChaCha, turned into an RNG, turned back into a stream cipher. Fun!

Now question is, where does the seed and nonce come from? Well, we could always try to reverse engineer… this monstrosity of a cipher initialization function:

A decompilation output from binary ninja showing a mess of arithmetic operations with very large numbers. A variable that uses the RAX register seems to shows up frequently in these operations.

Now I’m not going to unpack all of that, but we can at least trace where rax_12 comes from, because it is used everywhere in that mess, and therefore it must be important.

Looking at usages, it comes from:

01d99198  uint64_t rax_12 = zx.q(var_3.d)

So whatever is in var_3, zero-extended to 64 bits. And what is var_3?

01d9911c  uint64_t nbytes_6 = 4
01d99121  uint8_t** buf_1 = &var_3
01d9915b  while (true)
01d9915b      uint64_t nbytes = 0x7fffffffffffffff
01d9915e      if (nbytes_6 u< 0x7fffffffffffffff)
01d9915e          nbytes = nbytes_6
01d99167      ssize_t rax_11 = read(fd, buf: buf_1, nbytes)
01d9916e      void** const rdi_9

Or, oversimplified, read(fd, &var_3, 4). That read is familiar from the strace output; it’s the first 4-byte read done to the file! So that is likely the seed… except ChaCha doesn’t really accept 32-bit nor 64-bit seeds, but either 8-bit or 12-bit. Huh?

Ok, maybe seeing the library being used explains what is done here. By figuring out how the library is intended to be used, we can see how data flows into the seed and nonce that ChaCha feeds from, then rewrite that logic ourselves in Python while relying on a pre-written implementation of ChaCha such as that of pycryptodome.

So, “OSINT” time:

  • First, I search for “rust chacha rand example” on Google.

  • I find this StackOverflow answer showing example usage of the library. This points to a method seed_from_u64.

  • Searching for “rust seed_from_u64” leads to this page of the Rust Random book, which has the following to say about it:

    Internally, it uses a simple PRNG to fill the bits of the seed from the input number while providing good bit-avalanche (so that two similar numbers such as 0 and 1 translate to very different seeds and independent RNG sequences).

    Oh goody, a RNG to seed an RNG. RNG-ception!

  • Guess we are looking at its implementation:

    fn seed_from_u64(mut state: u64) -> Self {
        // We use PCG32 to generate a u32 sequence, and copy to the seed
        const MUL: u64 = 6364136223846793005;
        const INC: u64 = 11634580027462260723;
        let mut seed = Self::Seed::default();
        for chunk in seed.as_mut().chunks_mut(4) {
            // We advance the state first (to get away from the input value,
            // in case it has low Hamming Weight).
            state = state.wrapping_mul(MUL).wrapping_add(INC);
            // Use PCG output function with to_le to generate x:
            let xorshifted = (((state >> 18) ^ state) >> 27) as u32;
            let rot = (state >> 59) as u32;
            let x = xorshifted.rotate_right(rot).to_le();
            unsafe {
                let p = &x as *const u32 as *const u8;
                copy_nonoverlapping(p, chunk.as_mut_ptr(), chunk.len());

    So the seed provided to seed_from_u64 is used to seed a PCG32 random number generator, whose output is used as the seed for the RNG we pick, in this case ChaCha.

    • PCG32 takes two parameters that form the seed: state and sequence. The state is our input, while the sequence is used to calculate INC. In this case, INC itself is precalculated as 11634580027462260723, so we’ll need to keep that in mind when we implement PCG32.
  • What about the nonce? That’s a bit easier:

    • seed_from_u64 happens to be a function provided by rand_core’s SeedableRng trait, which the ChaCha RNG happens to implement.
    • When Self::from_seed(seed) is called in the last line of seed_from_u64, for ChaCha it leads to here, which in turn initializes ChaCha… with an empty nonce. So that’s a mystery solved.
  • Finally, we don’t quite know whether we’re using ChaCha with 8, 12 or 20 rounds, and pycryptodome only supports 20 rounds. So, to keep our options open, we can instead adapt this pure Python implementation of ChaCha20 put together by Péter Szabó; that way, if it turns out to not be ChaCha20, we can just edit the code to have it do less rounds.

All in all… well, I ended up spending quite a while making this RNG work on Python, and I do not feel the making-of here is any useful, so here’s a Gist I made containing a ready-to-go implementation of it, for future reference.

With this in my hands, and with a bit of trial and error, I was also able to figure out that it was 12-round ChaCha, and I ended up with the final save reader:

import leb128
import sys
from pwn import *
from itertools import islice
import struct
from io import BufferedReader

def pcg32(seed_state: int = None, inc: int = None, as_int=True):
    mask64 = (1 << 64) - 1
    mask32 = (1 << 32) - 1
    CONST = 6364136223846793005

    def next_int():
        "return random 32 bit unsigned int"
        nonlocal state, inc

        state = ((state * CONST) + inc) & mask64
        xorshifted, rot = (
            (((state >> 18) ^ state) >> 27) & mask32,
            (state >> 59) & mask32,
        answer = ((xorshifted >> rot) | (xorshifted << ((-rot) & 31))) & mask32
        return answer

    state = seed_state

    while True:
        yield next_int() if as_int else next_int() / (1 << 32)

def gen_chacha_seed(base_seed: int):
    chacha_seed_length = 8  # 32 bytes / 4 (sizeof(uint32_t)) = 8 integers
    chacha_seed = bytearray()
    for k in islice(pcg32(base_seed, 11634580027462260723, True), chacha_seed_length):
        k_bytes = struct.pack("I", k)
    return bytes(chacha_seed)

def chacha_xor_stream(key, iv=(b"\x00" * 8), position=0, rounds=20):
    """Generate the xor stream with the ChaCha20 cipher."""
    if not isinstance(position, int):
        raise TypeError
    if position & ~0xFFFFFFFF:
        raise ValueError("Position is not uint32.")
    if not isinstance(key, bytes):
        raise TypeError
    if not isinstance(iv, bytes):
        raise TypeError
    if len(key) != 32:
        raise ValueError
    if len(iv) != 8:
        raise ValueError
    if not isinstance(rounds, int):  # NEW
        raise TypeError
    if rounds % 2 != 0:  # NEW
        raise ValueError(f"Number of rounds needs to be even, got: {rounds}")

    # NEW: For convenience we'll assume we only need double rounds.
    double_rounds = int(rounds / 2)

    def rotate(v, c):
        return ((v << c) & 0xFFFFFFFF) | v >> (32 - c)

    def quarter_round(x, a, b, c, d):
        x[a] = (x[a] + x[b]) & 0xFFFFFFFF
        x[d] = rotate(x[d] ^ x[a], 16)
        x[c] = (x[c] + x[d]) & 0xFFFFFFFF
        x[b] = rotate(x[b] ^ x[c], 12)
        x[a] = (x[a] + x[b]) & 0xFFFFFFFF
        x[d] = rotate(x[d] ^ x[a], 8)
        x[c] = (x[c] + x[d]) & 0xFFFFFFFF
        x[b] = rotate(x[b] ^ x[c], 7)

    ctx = [0] * 16
    ctx[:4] = (1634760805, 857760878, 2036477234, 1797285236)
    ctx[4:12] = struct.unpack("<8L", key)
    ctx[12] = ctx[13] = position
    ctx[14:16] = struct.unpack("<LL", iv)
    while 1:
        x = list(ctx)
        for _ in range(double_rounds):  # CHANGED: dynamic amount of double rounds
            quarter_round(x, 0, 4, 8, 12)
            quarter_round(x, 1, 5, 9, 13)
            quarter_round(x, 2, 6, 10, 14)
            quarter_round(x, 3, 7, 11, 15)
            quarter_round(x, 0, 5, 10, 15)
            quarter_round(x, 1, 6, 11, 12)
            quarter_round(x, 2, 7, 8, 13)
            quarter_round(x, 3, 4, 9, 14)
        for c in struct.pack(
            "<16L", *((x[i] + ctx[i]) & 0xFFFFFFFF for i in range(16))
            yield c
        ctx[12] = (ctx[12] + 1) & 0xFFFFFFFF
        if ctx[12] == 0:
            ctx[13] = (ctx[13] + 1) & 0xFFFFFFFF

def rust_stdrng_chacha(seed, iv=(b"\x00" * 8), position=0, rounds=12):
    yield from chacha_xor_stream(
        gen_chacha_seed(seed), iv=iv, position=position, rounds=rounds

def chacha_encrypt(data, keystream_iter):
    return bytes(a ^ b for a, b in zip(data, keystream_iter))

def read_and_decrypt_leb128(keystream_iter, f: BufferedReader):
    d_enc, n = leb128.i.decode_reader(f)
    d_enc_bytes = p32(d_enc, endian="little", sign=True)
    d_plaintext = chacha_encrypt(d_enc_bytes, keystream_iter)
    d = u32(d_plaintext, endian="little")
    return d, n

seed = 0
unk1 = 0
unk2 = 0
blocks = []
with open(sys.argv[1], "rb") as f:, os.SEEK_END)
    file_size = f.tell()
    seed = u32(, endian="little")
    print(f"seed: {seed}")
    keystream_iter = rust_stdrng_chacha(seed, rounds=12)
    unk1 = u8(, endian="big")
    unk2 = u8(, endian="big")
    print(f"unk1: {unk1}")
    print(f"unk2: {unk2}")
    i = 1
    while f.tell() < file_size:
        print(f"Block #{i}")
        d1, n1 = read_and_decrypt_leb128(keystream_iter, f)
        print(f" x: {d1}")
        d2, n2 = read_and_decrypt_leb128(keystream_iter, f)
        print(f" y: {d2}")
        d3, n3 = read_and_decrypt_leb128(keystream_iter, f)
        print(f" z: {d3}")
        block_type = u8(chacha_encrypt(, keystream_iter), endian="big")
        print(f" block_type: {block_type}")
        blocks.append((d1, d2, d3, block_type))
        i += 1
$ python cormine2.cms
seed: 2212562473
unk1: 18
unk2: 10
Block #1
 x: 1
 y: 95
 z: 16
 block_type: 3
Block #2
 x: 1
 y: 95
 z: 16
 block_type: 255
Block #3
 x: 2
 y: 95
 z: 16
 block_type: 3
Block #4
 x: 2
 y: 95
 z: 16
 block_type: 255

Yeah, this pretty much confirms that the three LEB128 numbers are the block coordinates (which I’ve designated on the output for convenience).

I did struggle a bit more on here, because I’d be able to decrypt the first block but anything from there came out as garbage; that typically means the ciphertext has misaligned from the keystream. Eventually I got everything else to work by skipping 3 bytes from the keystream once I decrypted the block type. The decryption code seems to use an entire 4 bytes of keystream per data decrypted, even if less than 4 bytes are actually needed, so this was more of a byte alignment issue.

…damn, and to think the work I’d have saved if I used Rust for the solve script instead. The one time I don’t go insane and write my solve script in Rust, that ends up biting me in the ass. Maybe I should port pwntools to Rust… oh wait, someone’s working on it. Hey, wait a minute, isn’t that the challenge author?


To be honest, I should probably be more lazy and remember the common solutions first. The first challenge was easy to solve in 3 million trivial ways I already knew but didn’t quite realize I could, y’know, use them. This is something where it can often be helpful to lean on your team a bit more.

At this point this is arguably no longer a writeup… I ended up writing this scarily long post describing a collection of wacky techniques I found to crack this challenge, with a great amount of mid-CTF and post-CTF research and background, perhaps to redeem myself from not being able to solve corMine 2 within the alloted time. I found a lot of the ideas here within the competition, I just wasn’t able connect the dots at the time. I am still somewhat beginner when it comes to “staring at a hopelessly long decompilation output without descending into madness”, I’m working on it. But I hope you have learned something interesting, even if it was just that the Linux command find allows you to search on large files.

And finally, ultimate lesson learned: try to implement your solve scripts in the language the challenge is from…? I don’t really know, I am also the kinda person that solves crypto challenges written in Python by coding optimized bruteforcers in Rust that leverage Rayon for insane parallelism. Maybe I’m just built like that.

  1. …and yes, this write-up could be way shorter if I just did the obvious thing and searched for the cormine crate.

    But would you, the reader, learn anything if I just told you “yeah I just guessed the crate name and then looked for something like input and then started at things that had input on it for half an hour until I found handle_lmb and then I just fooled around a bunch of vtables until I figured that run_unsafe probably has the logic and then I did some branch-counting until I found the correct branch and overrode it”?

    …because that is, in fact, mostly how it went through when I was working on this challenge as part of corCTF 2024. Sometimes it’s about guessing a lot and stumbling into things accidentally :’). In partly that’s why this writeup ended up turning into a small study on Rust and Bevy reverse-engineering, so that we may stumble less in the future. ↩︎

  2. Here’s something I learned as I was writing this: passing -i to strace will only print the instruction pointer (IP/PC) where the syscall ocurred. Where I don’t think this will be useful in most cases, if you need your performance back while tracing, having only the instruction pointer might be enough for you. ↩︎

  3. My current theory is this has something to do with Distrobox containers not playing well with ALSA. Further research is required. ↩︎

  4. And you can find way more uses for known-plaintext attacks than you think! I solved the last step of the ransomware reverse-engineering challenge APT from TetCTF 2024 by having the provided malware encrypt a dummy file I made with the same encryption parameters, then XORed both files byte-wise to get the keystream, then XORed that with challenge-provided encrypted file containing the flag to decrypt it. This allowed me to skip a lot of implementation-specific shenanigans that Microsoft cryptography APIs had that made other folks stumble. So, if you have some weird stream crypto that resists reverse-engineering, but you can somehow get the program to encrypt things for you, maybe try doing that! ↩︎